Healthy Together

Designing a concept for a mobile app that motivates busy parents with small children to achieve a healthier life by including built-in nudging and a library of flexible mini-courses and effective workouts.

A photo of a phone resting on a table with the app 'Healthy Together' open on the mini-corses page.
                        The background colors are beige and white with gentle shadows in the back.

Project duration

3 months (Apr 2023 - Jun 2024)


4 UX designers


As a UX/UI designer I conducted user research with end-users including online questionnaires, face-to-face interviews and usability testing. In collaboration with the team's other designers I designed a detailed prototype in Figma with subtle interaction transitions and copywriting content.


Figma, Trello, Canva, Adobe InDesign, Google Forms


The handover included a pitch presentation to the client about the project's proces and outcome, and a prototype. Lastly they received a client handout with a summarization about the prototype.

View prototype

A health + wellness app

With a built-in library containing workouts, recipes and mini-courses.

2 mockups side by side, showing the app's library containing areas about
                            workouts, recipes, relationships and sleep. The second screen shows the content in the area mini-courses, where the user can choose between
                            different challenges that improve their health.

The Problem

Parents with small children often have very busy lives and therefore lack the energy to prioritize their health.

As a result they have a tendency to end up with a liftestyle based on what is easiest and least time-consuming, thus putting them in risk of developing diabetes or other health-related issues. The problem with most health and wellness apps on the market today are that they target people who have a more flexible everyday life than parents with small children do. In collaboration with UCL and the Steno Diabetes Center, we would create a solution to support parents with small kids on their journey to a more healthy lifestyle.

"How might we... | busy parents?"

Motivation using nudging

Reminding users of current workouts and messages about how even small steps can improve their health.

A mockup showing the app on the 'Home Screen', where the
                        user just received a message with a gentle reminder to complete their daily challenge. And a reminder about the benefits on their health if they
                        complete the task.

Designing the solution

Designing a health and wellness app for users that have an inflexible schedule, limited time and a lack of motivation.

Ahead of the design phase, we did secondary research on how to include motivation in the design. We also sent out a questionnaire to 78 parents from the target group and carried out 5 face-to-face interviews to get an in-depth understanding of the parents' everyday lives. Based on the findings from the research we learned that:

  • a majority of the respondents felt that they lack the energy to work out and make healthy dinners, just as they can't find time in the busy day where they won't be interrupted.
  • the solution should include the use of nudging in form of notifications, to gently remind the parents about the mini-courses they are a part of and messages about how also small steps can have a big effect on their health.
  • a built-in library with mini-courses and short, but effective, training sessions should be implemented, that take into account that the parents have an inflexible schedule and their current fitness level.

Customization and flexibility

Choose a workout or mini-course that aligns with your current level and your life situation.

2 mockups side by side, showing the app's 
                        available mini-courses in areas such as health, sleep and diet. The mini courses are separated into levels of difficulty and available time.

Testing the concept

5 usability tests were conducted among parents from the target group to test the concept of the app.

60% of the participants were excited about the mini-courses and it's flexibility, where the rest believed that they would primarily use the app to get inspiration for recipes and healthy food. Although being a core function of the app, 2 out of 5 wanted the option to deny notifications entirely, as too many notifications would have a negative impact on their stress levels.

What's next?

Based on the results from the usability tests, it was concluded that 'Healthy Together' in theory could help busy parents achieve a healthier life. However, it would be necessary to create a beta version of the app to be tested by a segment from the target group over a longer period, in order to prove that the concept can improve their health in practice. (This case only shows a small sample of the user research that has been conducted during the project. If you would like to hear more about our work, please feel free to contact me at

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